Updating the Town of Dryden Comprehensive Plan

Project Updates

Project Updates

Be Part of the Collective Voice of the Town of Dryden: Take the Survey!

The Town of Dryden is currently updating its 2005 comprehensive plan. As part of this process the town has released a survey which is open to all residents and businesses.

"To do effective planning, the Town must hear from residents. We encourage residents to take the survey and express their priorities for the Town's future," stated Supervisor Jason Leifer.

The Town will be receiving completed surveys until August 31, 2020. To have a paper copy mailed to you, contact the planning department at planning@dryden.ny.us or 607-844-8888 x216. Paper copies can also be picked up (and dropped off once completed) at the following locations: Dryden Town Hall, Dryden Village Hall, Freeville Village Hall, Varna Community Center, or Ellis Hollow Community Center.

Sarah Krisch